Chinese Essay Competition


Essay Competition

Original Chinese essays written by Kiwi students.

The Chinese Essay Competition showcases some of the best Chinese writing of the year by New Zealand students. Open to students at New Zealand secondary schools and tertiary institutions who are non-native speakers of Chinese it is seen as an opportunity for learners to extend language skills from oral into written expression.

Since 2007, when the Confucius Institute in Auckland was launched, many Chinese learners in New Zealand schools and universities have shown their talents in writing essays in Chinese. Congratulations on their successes in language learning, and a bright future with the skill of a second or other language.

The Chinese Essay Competition has been privileged supported by the Chinese Ambassadors to New Zealand from the very beginning. Sincere gratitude to  H.E. Ambassador Wang Xiaolong, and his predecessors H.E. Zhang Yuanyuan, Zhang Limin, Xu Jianguo, Wang Lutong, and Wu Xi.

Essay Booklets Archive




Physical Address:
The University of Auckland
Pembridge House
31 Princes Street
Auckland Central 1010

Phone: +64 9 923 9955

Postal Address:
Confucius Institute in Auckland
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142, New Zealand