NZ-China Study Camp for Secondary School Students


Study Camp

This camp aims to award outstanding students of Chinese language Year 13 / secondary senior students with a Chinese language and culture immersion experience to practise what they have learned and to improve their Chinese communication skills.

For more information please email:


In collaboration with NZ Brighter Future Education Trust, the Confucius Institute organized the first China Camp (secondary school). Twenty students and two teachers travelled to China and had a fantastic two-week experience.


Again, co-organized by the Confucius Institute in Auckland and NZ Brighter Future Education Trust, thirty-two students and three teachers participated in the second China Study Camp.


Due to the Covid pandemic, the New Zealand border was closed in 2020. However, we had a unique camp experience within the backyard in Aotearoa and still had lots of fun. 
The project received support from the North Asia CAPE.


The border is still closed, but our learning will not stop. This December, another group of secondary school Chinese learners will join us. We are going to Rotorua for a special Chinese Immersion Week.
The project will be co-organized by the Confucius Institutes at the University of Auckland and Victoria University of Wellington, with support from the North Asia CAPE.
Sadly, this was cancelled due to restrictions to gathering numbers as part of the pandemic recovery.




Physical Address:
The University of Auckland
Pembridge House
31 Princes Street
Auckland Central 1010

Phone: +64 9 923 9955

Postal Address:
Confucius Institute in Auckland
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142, New Zealand