2022-New Zealand National School Chinese Language Celebration
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between NZ and China. Showcasing Chinese language learning by Kiwi students.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and China, also as a celebration of this year’s NZ National “Chinese Bridge” Speech Competition and part of the NZ Chinese Language Week 2022, the three Confucius Institutes in New Zealand are jointly hosting the show on 24th September, at Sacred Heart College (Auckland).
We are honoured that Dr Wang Xiaolong, Chinese ambassador to New Zealand, will join us to open the celebration.
At the show, a group of secondary students from different parts of the country will deliver their winning speeches in Mandarin Chinese. There will be Chinese cultural performances presented by the students for your entertainment too.
The event is free to the schools and wider community. Online RSVP is required.
The door opens at 12 PM with a light buffet lunch provided. The show starts at 1 PM.