About Our Programmes
Chinese in Schools
The Confucius Institute in Auckland offers an extensive support programme for teachers and students of Chinese (Mandarin) language and culture in schools.
Chinese in Schools is a venture of the Confucius Institute in Auckland. It aims to promote and develop Chinese language programmes in New Zealand schools.
Getting started with Chinese in your school
Chinese language and culture is becoming increasingly important for New Zealanders facing the economic rise of China.
We combine the expertise of many organisations in helping schools introduce Chinese (Mandarin).
Our support includes advice, introductory programmes, networking, information exchange, conferences, professional development, and online resources.

Professional Development for Teachers

Professional development of teachers is an important part of our work.
CI works to support teachers of Chinese at every level, whether beginning or advanced, to enable them to meet each other and exchange ideas on classroom practice. We also run workshops in partnership with other organisations such as Tui Tuia Learning Circle and NZCLTA (New Zealand Chinese Language Teachers’ Association).