Candidates Take the First CTCSOL Exam for the Year
On Saturday, 22nd April, a capacity 80 candidates participated in the online CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) exam, an internationally recognised Certificate that assesses one’s competency to teach Chinese. Candidates of various ages and backgrounds, including teachers, tertiary students, and language enthusiasts, took the exam that covered a wide range of topics, including Chinese grammar, vocabulary, and teaching methodology.
The Confucius Institute in Auckland (CI) is proud to be the only authorised test centre for the CTCSOL exam in the Oceania region – nearly 70% of participants are from Australia. CI works to provide a supportive environment for candidates to take the exam and to help achieve their language teaching and learning goals.
The CTCSOL is valuable in today’s globalised world, where successful candidates can be assessed internationally, enhance their teaching skills, and advance their careers.
CI congratulates all the candidates who took the CTCSOL exam.
For more info on the CTCSOL exam, visit

Supervisors preparing for the exam

Candidates concentrating online