Easter Sunday launches first HSK Exam for the year
For 31 people, Easter Sunday on April 9th, was being at the Confucius Institute in Auckland Chinese Exam Centre to sit the first Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) of the year. Held at the University of Auckland’s Clock Tower Building, candidates had opted to sit one of six HSK levels to assess their Chinese proficiency.
All the examinees were Chinese language learners ranging in age and occupation, including a student as young as seven.
Since its establishment in 2007, the Confucius Institute in Auckland has facilitated the Chinese Proficiency tests with increasing examinee numbers resulting in several ‘Excellent Test Centre’ awards, from China’s Chinese Test International, including one for 2022.

The Institute encourages more learners of Chinese to participate in this opportunity as HSK is the only official test of Chinese for non-native speakers and is a standardised test that is internationally recognised – so worthy and deserving to those who achieve it!
For more information, visit Exams.