UoA Confucius Institute Chinese Prizes


Chinese Prizes

The Prizes were established in 2016 for the University of Auckland by Confucius Institute. The main purpose of the Prizes is to assist students studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Chinese at the University of Auckland.

View the detailed scholarship information at the UoA website link.

How to apply

You do not need to apply for this Scholarship or complete an online application form, it is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant Faculty or University of Auckland Committee.For more information about the awarding process for this Scholarship, please visit the website of Auckland University.




Physical Address:
The University of Auckland
Pembridge House
31 Princes Street
Auckland Central 1010

Phone: +64 9 923 9955
Email: info@ci.ac.nz

Postal Address:
Confucius Institute in Auckland
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142, New Zealand