
First CTCSOL Interview Exam for the Year

First CTCSOL Interview Exam for the Year

  First CTCSOL Interview Exam for the Year​ The first CTCSOL interview test for the year was successfully held on the first and second weekends of July. We set up five online test rooms, and over 50 candidates participated in the one-on-one...

MLA Workshop Hits the Right Note

MLA Workshop Hits the Right Note

  MLA Workshop Hits the Right NoteLaughter echoed throughout the room at Pembridge House as the July workshop for Mandarin Language Assistants (MLAs) kicked off last Thursday, just a day before Matariki (Maori New Year). 20 MLAs and several...

Celebrating Success at 16th “Chinese Bridge” Prize-giving

Celebrating Success at 16th “Chinese Bridge” Prize-giving

Celebrating Success at 16th "Chinese Bridge" Prize-giving“Chinese is so challenging yet undeniably fun to learn,” said one of the students. This was a common feeling shared throughout the 16th “Chinese Bridge” Speech Competition Prize-giving...

Chinese Lion Dance Captivates Audience

Chinese Lion Dance Captivates Audience

Chinese Lion Dance Captivates AudienceOne of the Confucius Institute in Auckland’s network of schools, Glendowie College held a Cultural Night on June 20th where the Chinese lion dance was featured, captivating and impressing the audience. Below...

Kiwi Youth Showcase Talents in Chinese Bridge Speech Competition

Kiwi Youth Showcase Talents in Chinese Bridge Speech Competition

Kiwi Youth Showcase Talents in Chinese Bridge Speech CompetitionEleven primary students captivated the audience with their stellar kungfu performance, other students sang popular Chinese songs, recited classic poems, performed traditional...

Candidates Take the First CTCSOL Exam for the Year

Candidates Take the First CTCSOL Exam for the Year

Candidates Take the First CTCSOL Exam for the YearOn Saturday, 22nd April, a capacity 80 candidates participated in the online CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) exam, an internationally recognised...

Easter Sunday launches first HSK Exam for the year

Easter Sunday launches first HSK Exam for the year

Easter Sunday launches first HSK Exam for the yearFor 31 people, Easter Sunday on April 9th, was being at the Confucius Institute in Auckland Chinese Exam Centre to sit the first Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) of the year. Held at the University...

Oceania Chinese Teachers’ Conference Attracts Wide Audience

Oceania Chinese Teachers’ Conference Attracts Wide Audience

Winners Announced - 16th NZ Chinese Essay Competition (2022)The Fifth Oceania Chinese Teachers’ Conference was a great success, bringing together educators, researchers, and industry experts across Australasia to explore the latest trends and...

Winners Announced – 16th NZ Chinese Essay Competition 2022

Winners Announced – 16th NZ Chinese Essay Competition 2022

Winners Announced - 16th NZ Chinese Essay Competition (2022)The Confucius Institute in Auckland is delighted to announce the winners of the 16th Chinese Essay Competition (2022). Congratulations to all the winners, especially Colden Sapir from...

Chinese learning celebrated in New Zealand

Chinese learning celebrated in New Zealand

New Zealand Chinese Language Week: Promoting a wider understanding of Chinese cultureOriginally reported by Owen Poland, CGTN, AucklandIt's Chinese language week in Auckland, New Zealand. Many teenagers are participating. Owen Poland has this...

CTCSOL online interview test held in Auckland again

CTCSOL online interview test held in Auckland again

CTCSOL online interview test held in Auckland againThe CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) test is becoming very popular and highly demanded worldwide. The number of inquiries and registrations has been...




Physical Address:
The University of Auckland
Pembridge House
31 Princes Street
Auckland Central 1010

Phone: +64 9 923 9955

Postal Address:
Confucius Institute in Auckland
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142, New Zealand